On March 31, 2009 at 2:57 AM, I will become a 38 year-old man.
That's right 38. That 2 years away from the big 4-0. And I couldn't be happier. In fact, I've been looking so forward to it, that since early January, when someone asks me how old I am, I would say, that I'm 38, then have to correct myself saying that I'm 37 soon to be 38. I've never done that before. Even down to the day before, I always said the correct number never jumping ahead.
After all those years of contemplating suicide because of my repressed sexual identity, every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second are blessings that I don't take lightly. I know that I am lucky to be alive, because many who suffered the identity crisis I have don't even make it pass their twenties. And what's even more tragic is that an even higher number don't make it past their teens.

Being self-aware as I have become, I know that I am a very sexual person, and I revel in putting it on display. Not just because of my surviving my past inner-torment, but because for a man not too far from being 40 years-old, in an industry that would make you believe only 20-somethings fuck like rabbits, and 30-somethings are old daddies that can't get it up.... I PROVE OTHERWISE, AND LOOK FUCKIN' HOT DOIN' IT - No excessive gym routines or Botox required.
And speaking of those 20-somethings fucking like rabbits, by way of my movies, with most of my scene partners being in their 20's, I've shown that I can more than keep up.

And by way of this blog, I've shown repeatedly that I've taken note of the inner-workings of the physical and mental parts of a man to bring him into a sexual frenzy. So while these 20-somethings are fucking like rabbits, due to their reputation for being self-absorbed, I doubt many of them are doing it like me....
....In other words, doing it well.
Now, I don't fault with many 20-somethings for being self-absorbed in regards to sexual pleasure, because that's natural. My earlier statement's purpose is to let you know that before you younger guys turn your nose up at the older ones, some of those older guys out here know better what they're doing than these youngbloods, because age gave them that wisdom. That's why I'm somewhat glad that I didn't do anything until later in life. It gave me a better view of how to be good at sex, not just for myself, but for my partners as well. BUT being the no-bullshitting Aries that I am, I must also say that there are some older guys whose self-absorbing ways as a 20-something never went away. For them, can you say, "Loser"?
Thinking about how I've grown sexually

Well, if I get any such birthday present, I will definitely let you know. Or will I?....
The cliche 'aged wine is perfect vintage, to be savored, not devoured' is almost true when applied to you.
ReplyDeleteSurely 1 would not wish to devour you, since such an act of greed would be too extreme for some one like you, whose existence is a reminder for all that indeed 'age is just a number', another cliche again.
But saying this, I must presume to say that I expect you to have a most exquisite 38 birthday romp later, as is the only way for you to celebrate ageless perfection.
Yet, should you have had the unique pleasure of allowing me to discharge icing on your cake, your taste buds would certainly not be the same as before.
In fact, it will confound your thesis with empirical truth that 'youth is no match for the dexterity, experience, and manueverability of aged excellence'.
God grant you long and poignant life, doing what you do best, which is to proudly show what you've got, and force so many others to want to flee from the illusion of youth, and into your arms, if only that was realizable.
Death does not become you.