Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Write That Down #1

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday Night's Winning Streak
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The FlavaMen Blatino Awards
That might be the case if it represented an overbearing number of White performers leaving it's multi-cultural buying public out of the loop. But that is not the case here.
It's The FlavaMen Blatino Awards. An awards celebrating the best in Blatino entertainment, where it's multi-cultural buying public is not left out of the loop because not only is there also an Asian category to pick nominees for, but most importantly YOU are the ones choosing those nominees. YES, you have a say in this one guys. Therefore, there should be no complaints of winners being based on a popularity contest amongst industry people like there was with the GayVNs. Plus, in nominating performers, you're not limited to nominating performers who have appear only in ethnic-porn movies. You can choose an ethnic performer who has appeared in what's considered a "mainstream" porn production as well - no special categories necessary.
Speaking of categories, they will be announced in the Spring 2009 Issue of FlavaMen Magazine and at the website for the awards, You do your part by sending in your choice of nominees for each category by way of magazine ballot, or the website.
Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'm one of the judges. So me and the other judges have to choose from your choices. We may place nominations as well, but our nominations hold just as much weight as anyone of you, and not a bit more.
So tell us who you're into. Go to now, and make it known of who gets you off.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thanks For The Advocate Support

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Messy Boy For The Birthday Boy
I never have sexual fantasies involving food. The whole whipped cream, chocolate sauce thing has been said and done so many times that it's a cliche therefore boring to me. So I think with that boredom, I subconsciously upped the ante on that fantasy. In this fantasy, there's whipped cream, maybe some chocolate sauce, but it will all be on his birthday cake.
My fantasy has him walking through the door where I surprise him with a cake. Not a big one. One that is big enough for two. We'll share a slice. He's the birthday boy, so he gets 1st bite. I take a bite, then when I fed it to him again so he can take his next bite, I'll smear it on his face.
He'll have a look of shock on his face, I'm sure. But his shock won't end there, because then I would passionately kiss him, then strip him. First, the shirt - and what good is stripping a hot guy of his shirt if you don't do some nipple play? Then his pants, which once revealed, I would once again be reunited to see that monster-thick cock again. I would only lick the head. I wouldn't suck it just yet. I've sucked it before, this time there would be a twist to the sucking that would make the wait on that worth both our whiles. I would not leave out playing with those balls, and definitely not the ass. His ass I may be on for a while, because that was something I didn't play with so much before. Plus, I am ass-man, and that's what ass-men do with ass - we rim, eat, massage, finger, spank, jiggle, put a hickey on, and of course fuck into oblivion. Did I leave anything out? Because in short, anything we find visually stunning to do to an ass, we ass-men will do. I've done it, and I've had it done to me with some very rewarding results.
The cake has now been left untouched long enough, so it's time to put it to my personal intent for its use.
Now with him there completely naked, I'll start smearing the cake all over his torso, groin, and ass. Preferably some light-colored frosting and whipped cream. I'll use light-colored frosting because he'll be having me, so he has more than enough chocolate to play with by way of my milk chocolate skin and my dark chocolate dick. After the cake is smeared all over him, I'll go back to licking him all over again, but this time it will have some added flavor, as if he isn't tasty enough. If you ever see this guy, you'd know what I mean. This is when I'll spend more time sucking his dick. Then with the cake smear all over his skin by my thorough licking, I'd lay him down on the table and give him what he definitely said he wanted from me the next time he sees me.
When we've chatted since hooking up that great night, while we both admitted to wanting to do each other again, he confided that next time - he wanted me to be the top. And him letting me know that is a thought that has yet to leave my mind. My only concern is that the thought of sticking my hard cock in his asshole that because of his firm & toned musculature, will probably be so tight that it will milk my dick bone dry of cum way sooner than I intend on giving it. Let's hope should come that sweet day, that won't be the case. Because in this fantasy, I want some of that cake frosting smear on him to start melting from his body heat, and even more intense heat when I fuck his ass, so the frosting will start melting on me as well. If this could ever happen, I'd better remember to make shaving my pubes part of the plan.
The whole time fucking him, I would jerk his dick. I would hope I cum first, so I could spend the rest of the time jerk and sucking his dick using the melting frosting as lube, so he could blow a load, and the only signs will be the sounds of his orgasm and the jumping of his shaft muscles squeezing out that cum wad. Now should this happen while sucking him off, because I do recall loving the challenge of sucking his incredibly thick cock, I'll also have as a sign the suddenly salty twang from that cum wad mixed in with the sweetness of the flavor of the light-colored frosting. By the sight of it, I won't be able to tell which part of goo oozed from him.
This would be highly unusual messy sex for me. The most mess I like to deal with in sex is the mess of wiping off a big load of cum off of me. But then again, being some degree of messy should not be a surprise, because even with getting a cumbath, I hate to wipe it off. Seriously. I have yet to do it, but I want to lay there in the bed with his cum all over me, and calling it a done deal. So I can wake up the next morning with my brown skin stained with the dried white chalky remains that are the fruits of his labor when he decided to have sex with me.
So I guess I can be a messy boy. Who knew?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The K Files: The End
Please don't tell me that you're surprised. It was only a matter of time before that fateful day came around. And it was for the same reason I was brought into the office before - lateness. What aggravates me about it, is just as I claimed in a previous entry in "The K Files" that my records were singled out. The Human Resources Director brought me into the office checking my keycard for what time I arrived, when I am well aware of other(s) who should have been brought into the office for a reprimand as well, but were not. This is singling me out for my taking a stand when situations are being mishandled.
There are some of you reading this right now thinking that if that's the risk I was taking, then I shouldn't have said anything. And to that, while it sounds cruel, the fact remains that I must say, that's why I love being me, and I am so eternally glad to not be you.
I do understand that some people have families that they must take care of. But how can you look your children in the face knowing that you have a voice that can inspire needed change, yet you lessen your worth as a human being by saying nothing, thereby sacrificing your human rights. What kind of role model are you to your children? And for those who don't want children - fine, then look at it this way. We are all put on this earth to inspire one another to better ourselves. Therefore, if you say nothing in a situation where your fellow person is being wronged, you stand no chance of bettering your co-workers, but more importantly, your superiors. What kind of inspiration will you be to anyone (be they children, friends, or family) if you're playing bobble-head doll? Not a very good one.
Am I upset to no longer be at Kenyon & Kenyon LLP? Most certainly NOT. If I am going to work for a company, I like to have some degree of loyalty to them, and because of how my time as a temp was handled, the loyalty I gave to them when I entered their doors in April of 2002, died after a 2-year wait to become permanent.
Yes, you read correct - a 2-year wait. That's 2 years without any kind of insurance benefits, be it life, medical, and/or dental. And my hard work made me more than deserving of it. As a temp, I learned how to work the machine used to process the mail while the permanent employees who had years on me, sat on their butts not knowing the 1st thing about how to use it. I also quickly committed to memory all the attorneys on all 11 floors of the building, and still kept committing them to memory as they changed over and over again during my nearly 7 years there, with co-workers (both with and without seniority) coming to me to find out where an attorney is located. It got so bad that sometimes I had to snap on them and tell them to look in the directory, because I knew I would not be there forever as their "go-to" guy, so they were going to have to learn all those things for themselves, just as I did for myself.
With all that in mind, is it any surprise that I had no loyalty? Is it a shock that I committed less to memory as time went on? The administrative staff at Kenyon & Kenyon LLP was unappreciative of all we put up with. When I first arrived there, we had a manager who was a blatant racist, and they were inept enough to let his 40+ years there to take anything he said as gospel truth, ignoring our side of the story. Remember as I have said before, "The follower of a fool is a bigger fool than the original". Therefore, if the administrative staff is following the lead of this racist pig, then what does that say about them? Following a guy who when he died, some of my co-workers said they went to his funeral to make sure he was dead. I myself refused to attend, because I knew I would have done the same.
Do not think that I am not taking responsibility for my lateness problem, because I am. One thing I am is that I pride myself on being self-aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Chronic lateness coming about is based on a weakness of mine. For me, chronic lateness is brought about as my mind throws a subconscious monkey wrench into my schedule, and it throws that monkey wrench because the truth is that I don't want to go where I am going. With all that have transpired in "The K Files", can you honestly blame me for not wanting to go there every Monday through Friday morning? While many people I've talked too understand my discontent, and are aware of that HR Director's reputation for inhumanity, the weakness on my part was that I let all that get to me to where my common sense allowed that monkey wrench to make it's way into my morning schedule. That I admit was my faltering, but it doesn't change the fact that if me and my co-workers were treated properly in the 1st place, I wouldn't be justified in my discontent.
The problem is that lateness unwillingly transferred into the part of my life to my prepping for places where I did want to go. Since being thankfully let go from Kenyon, I am now starting to show up on time for things I want to be a part of again. In fact, those of you who follow me on Twitter, may have noticed me recently mentioning my doing a Fu Manchu movie for a friend. The time to be there was 12 noon. What time did I arrive? Me ever so precise got there at 12 noon. I was so proud of myself, because that was one of many recent signs within these past 2 months that shows that being ousted from a place like Kenyon was the best thing for me. Because now, I am getting back to me.
With all that said, I am glad to bid Kenyon & Kenyon LLP "Adieu", and let you know that when it comes to "The K Files", with the most extreme bliss, this as far as I'm concerned is THE END.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thanks Wanda ---- IDGAF Neither
By now, many of you should be used to me causing a commotion of some kind by some of the things I say. Some people, when they so often cause such a ruckus feel sorry about the fact that they did. I believe that this short bit from Wanda Sykes HBO special "Sick and Tired", best describes whether or not I'm one of those people, AND why such is the case.
So those of you who are the faint of heart and/or guilty parties should take this as a warning. Hurting your feelings is not my problem. And as long as a mishandling is being done at mine or my fellow person's expense, I am not going to change from this. The subject matters I have planned to deal with soon with let you further know of how much I plan to back up my words.
I've long loved that bit from that Wanda Sykes special, and have been wanting to use that clip for some time now. With my recently comment appearing in The Advocate, and the steam that is probably coming out of the ears of the head of those studios named in that comment, I decided now was as good a time as any to use that clip to comically explain what motivates me to say the things I say without fear of replies, fear of the infantile studio retaliations you read about, as well as fear of the retaliations gay porn news sites are fully aware of yet sweep under the rug.
For giving me a comical way to explain this, I have to say, THANKS WANDA.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
More Pressing Weekend Matter
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Making The Advocate
Talk about a 2-for-1 deal. I get to see (1)my words in print, and (2)a cutey like Dustin Lance Black on the cover. All for the price of 1 magazine. SWEET!
If you don't read The Advocate, or want to try scrolling down the page of the website to find the comment, I've copied and pasted it for you below:
This may surprise many for me to say this if they don't know of my blog and that I am a porn actor myself, but I have often said on my blog that this recession is causing the big studios justice for the racism and ageism that they've practiced. I shed no tears for them. This is exactly what studios like Falcon, Hot House, Raging Stallion, Lucas Entertainment, etc. deserve for overcharging the sale of a racist product in of all places, the USA. Some studios are trying to use men of color now, for the sheer purpose of tapping in to that customer demographic that they've spent so much time ignoring. My question is that if that plan works, once the recession is over and should business pick up, will they go to their old racist pattern?
The fact that I named names of guilty parties should not be a surprise to you. Nor should it surprise you (just like it doesn't surprise me) that by making that statement, I will be ruffling quite a few feathers amongst these studios and their supporters. After all, let's face it ----- the truth hurts. However, THE TRUTH WOULDN'T HURT IF THEY WERE DOING THE RIGHT THING IN THE 1ST PLACE.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
White America's Slave Fantasy
For those Americans who aren't that narrow-minded, you need to make enough noise for the variety of Black men that are in this great country to be presented in not only movies, but American gay media overall.
Some might think that because of my aforementioned statement that I envy Diesel Washington, but the truth is I don't. It's a matter of knowing when the grass only looks greener on the other side, and in all reality is not. Because I had to realize that my popularity in America as a porn actor (whatever level it may be) is based on those Americans who may like the big, buffed, and dark-skinned guys like Diesel, yet like that Black man that doesn't fit that commonly used mold as well. So whether you want to admit it or not, Diesel Washington's success is based on the narrow-minded view by way too many of what makes a beautiful Black man, while my being less popular is based on a more open-minded view of way too few in this country. Looking at it from that prospective, until those narrow-minded gay White Americans get a clue that variety is the spice of life, I'm content with being less popular, because being embraced by an open-minded view is a lot more rewarding to me.

I believe that many of our likes and dislikes are based on a subconscious level of thinking, and I feel that so many gay American White males fancying the image of Black men being big, buffed, and dark-skinned like there is no other kind is one of those likes acted on subconsciously. While some subconscious behavior can be based on a good way of thinking, this one is not. For I think the liking of that specific type of Black man by gay White Americans is based on a sort of master/slave mentality.
Before being offended by that statement, I'll explain that after I explain my use of a pic of all people homophobic, Swiss cheese-mouthed, ghetto-trash, 50 Cent.
This pic shows just how diseased that way of thinking has become, because I got it from a White friend on Facebook who is originally from Russia. He has obviously become so Americanized that he posted this pic on his profile and called it, "Portrait of a Man".
Now as promised, I will explain my statement about the master/slave mentality. If you don't want to call it the "master/slave dynamic", for modern times' sake, you can call it the "executive/laborer dynamic". Either way, it's the same principle, because corporate America is predominately White, and many laborers and service people in offices are people of color. The people with their name on an office do little physical work, while the physical work is being done by the laborers and service people. I was one of them, and that was why a gym membership for me was a waste of time, while tmost attorneys sitting in their offices all day needed it - badly. Because when laborers and service people come to work, they work mentally, just like those with their name on an office door. HOWEVER they must work physically as well, and the proof shows in their more fit physiques. This was also the case in the days of slavery, where the end result was lard-ass White slave-masters and Black men with darker skin from the combination of their complete African origin, and so much exposure to the sun, plus a better build from doing all the physical work. Now you have the physical extremes of big, buffed, and dark-skinned explained.
Now, if you are still offended, then it is nothing more than White man's guilt at play. In fact, that guilt may very well be another reason as to why these White Americans seek out a Black man of such intimidating extremes as big and buffed, because EVERYTHING IS LARGER WHEN YOU'RE GUILTY, INLUDING PERCEPTIONS. And for allowing yourself to carry that perception of Black men in your head all these years after slavery, you should feel guilty. But being in self-denial, and getting angry with the truth I'm presenting to you isn't going to change anything.
While it's amazing that the mind can work this way, at the same time for such a dated way of thinking to be passed down through generations the way it has in this country of all places is a shame. A shame that in over 200 years that so many gay White American males have not undone that cycle in their thought of what constitutes a real Black man. If they did, they themselves would finally become men. That's why I've come to the conclusion that it's subconscious thinking that gay American White males might not mean to do it, but they do. The big name porn studios do it in their casting habits, and gay American White males do it in choosing a Black man as a boyfriend, or even a trick. Why do you think so many of the White men I've been with are non-American, yet I'm born and raised here in the USA? I don't seek out non-Americans. It's that non-Americans are the ones more open to my not fitting that generalized view of a Black man propagandized by gay media in America.
I admit to the fact that I am not trained in any mental sciences while coming to these conclusions. And I don't need to be. All it takes is being observant of the world around you. What has happened, and how far have we come from that today. I stood back and watched long enough to see the signs right in front of me get confirmed. Now, it's your turn.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
When Kruezer Cruises Me
Friday, May 8, 2009
Big-Dicked Degman

This leads me to this question ----Is he a grower or a shower?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Well the other day, I came up with a name for these females (not women or ladies). A name that I should have also used in my attacks on gay-for-pay actors and the females who involve themselves with these guys.
I think this one name says it all ---- proof-fucks. It may sound crude, but considering what these females do to themselves, as I will point out, this name does them justice much to my chagrin.
"Proof-fucks" are girls that come in 2 types.
One type of "proof-fuck" is a girl who goes out to gay bar or clubs with the intent of seducing one of the cute straight employees. The problem with this type of "proof-fuck" is that they give their body to a male in order to prove her womanhood to herself. When in reality, in the guy's eye, she is nothing more than a toy that he can play with to prove that he's straight. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, she doesn't prove her womanhood, because a real woman would not feel the need to go to a gay bar to seek out a straight man. A real lady, a real woman knows she's a woman, and has no need to play such games to prove herself. So "proof-fucks" are actually overgrown little girls.
For the record, I personally have no problem with straight men as go-go boys or bartenders, just as long as they stay true to their being straight by not allowing a certain line of physical contact to be crossed. It's not wrong to fantasize about a straight guy, nor is it wrong for him to allow himself to be fantasized about. But it is wrong for him to prostitute his straight orientation with physical acts that clearly say the opposite of his said orientation.
This brings me to the other type of "proof-fuck". I saved this type for last, because they are the worst kind. Their being the worst kind is not my problem. It's theirs, because they are their own worst enemy by getting in to long-term relationships with these guys lying to themselves about how totally straight they are knowing that these guys have sex with men as escorts or as porn actors. The girl being a "proof-fuck" is once again more defined by the guy's actions, because that girl's real purpose is to help him keep up the lie to himself that he's totally straight, using sex with her as the proof. So since she's lying to herself as well by thinking that she's more than a "proof-fuck", it doesn't say much for her character either. In order for these girls to become women they need to realize that just saying, "I got a man", is not the way to completion, because if they're taking up with a guy that's using them this way, then he's not a man to begin with.
Well I guess it's like they say....birds of a feather flock together. In this case - they fuck together.
This actually makes me sad to have to say all this, because I hold women and their intellect in such high regard, and to see so many females who should be considered women, but show actions that show clearly they are not, distresses me. These girls need to get it together, sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sex Party Etiquette: Less Talking, More Fucking
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Subway Cruisin' - Alas Give In?
I've been so horny lately that I've thought back to my blog entries about being cruised on the subway, and how I've never went through with either of them. Well, I told myself, "Damnit to hell, if a hottie cruises me in the subway again, he's getting some of this! Some ass, some dick, or both! I'm tired of being a chicken shit letting these chances pass me by."
Well, what happened last night? I got cruised in the subway AGAIN. Did I go through with it? Keep reading to see.
I went to the NY Jock Party, and had a lot of fun. Me and this hottie took turns topping each other. He topped me first doggie-style and fucked me hard. What made that hot for me was that he was about my height with a nice lean frame, and I love it when smaller guys pound your ass so hard you feel like a muscular giant has a hold of you. Then I suddenly felt even harder thrust into my ass. I was wondering what was going on, then when I looked at the shadows on the wall, I could see that another guy joined in and made it a fuck-train by fucking the guy topping me. I did catch a glance at the guy, and he was also a hottie. Where are the porn cameras when you need them?
Later on, this other cute guy either light-skinned Black or Latino came on to me. He asked me what do I like to do, and I told him plenty. So we went to the back, I gave him a blowjob, he sat down, I put a condom on his big cock, then rode the fuck out of him. It got so good he needed to get up, and thrust into me himself. So he bent me over a table, and let me have it. His dick felt so good, for the 2nd time that night I came. I got dressed, and went headed home via subway.
I got in the train station, and when I started walking down the platform, while I do wear glasses, I thought this guy sitting on the stairs was watching me. I didn't stare at him until I got near him to confirm. Instead, I glanced at him when I got right next to him, then looked back when I got behind to find him still looking at me. He was tall, slim, and White. I flashed a smile then kept walking quite a few yards more. When I stopped, I looked back to find that he got up from sitting on the stairs to look at me. I kept exchanging glances and smiles with him, and he slowly, but surely came closer. I started playing a bit of a game of "Catch Me If You Can". We eventually wound up with less than 6 feet between us, with him standing under a stairwell, me behind the yellow line on the platform edge, and us still exchanging glances.
I saw out of the corner of my eye that he was grabbing his crotch. What I didn't realize until later that not only was he grabbing his crotch, but he was upping the ante on the previous guys who cruised me in the subway.

He has his cock out. I saw a thick hot-pink head and cock looking ready, willing, and able to fill already worked ass again. And I've never said it here before, but I am admitting now.... I am a power bottom.
When I bottom, I'm insatiable for dick, and I want his passion thrusting into my hole like a heat-seeking missile rushing to get hit its target and explode. So his big hungry dick would have been another welcomed pole into my ass for the night. When I saw his cock, I didn't know whether to make the adventure be me sucking it on a subway platform at about 4 AM and risk getting caught, OR should I just have let him fuck me right there. Well, his train arrived, and he motioned for me to come with him. So did I alas give in to this subway cruising episode?
I let him go home alone. The big hard dick swollen to sweet hot pink perfection never made its way into my ass. While the horndog that I am is greatly disappointed. My street smarts tells me that I made the right choice.
After all, I did open the lines of communication by saying "Hello", but that was never returned. This here was not the sex party. So if I'm going to hook up with you, we can have an intense physical attraction, but it has to include some verbal communication before that physical connection of your dick to my ass or vice versa takes place.
If I get cruised again, maybe all those wrong moves that I've listed in this and past entries will finally be undone by my suitor, and I'll have a lustful tale to tell. Until then....