January 7, 2011. It was a night to remember.
Most might recall it marking 3 years since
my infamous face-to-face verbal confrontation with Diesel Washington. However, it's the event that the confrontation took place at that was the most important to me. For January 7th also marks 3 years since
Men of All Colors Together presented me debuting my poetry series with a Q & A telling all many try to ignore about the gay porn industry - simply titled, "
The Industry".
Before his untimely death, the host of the sex party, Hot Jock Party helped to promote my event by including mention of it in his emails. I was a regular, and I did attend last party held before my event. I recall telling the clothes check guy about it, him saying how great an idea it was, as well as him saying, "Something good is going to come out of that. You watch."
On the outside, I smiled and said, "Why thank you!". But while hoping for the best, but expecting the worst, my inside voice was saying to him, "You've got to be out of your damn mind! Ain't shit going to come of this!"
Well, fast forward to the morning of January 8, 2011, the day after "The Industry" debuts. I wake up around 10 a.m. checking emails with no expectations in my post wake-up haze. Turns out I did have new email. The 1st email being from someone who attended my poetry reading.
He complimented me on my poetry. He also complimented me no how I handled myself during the Q & A. Both compliments I greatly appreciated, but more so the latter compliment because there were a couple of argumentative dumb-asses there besides Diesel Washington. So being praised on handling them said that I did something right. But in addition to these compliments came him mentioning certain positions that he held, and how he would be willing to assist in my involvement. Such as being involved in with the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay & Lesbian Art, as well as The Rainbow Book Fair. Reading this began taking me out of my post wake-up haze. As well as realize that the clothes check guy at that sex party was foreseeing the future. For this is for starters, how I got to meet staffers at the Leslie-Lohman, and how I've been one of the many poets reading in The Rainbow Book Fair's Poetry Salon since March 2011.

So it is this audience member's kindness that got me involved in those and some of
the other things you have read about my involvement in over the past 3 years. Such as my modeling for the Leslie-Lohman Drawing Studio, my bartending at Leslie-Lohman openings (which led to a modeling gig), and my drawing "Bi-Butterfly" being in the Leslie-Lohman exhibit, "
Queer Art and the Church".

Now, this gentleman made me aware of the Leslie-Lohman, but he played no part in
that drawing being displayed. For when he saw me at the exhibit opening,
he though I was just being another art connoisseur. He was actually
surprised to see that I actually submitted a piece. However, with such
good deeds in mind, it is understandable that I feel that January 8th is a day to remember. So this coming
Wednesday, January 8th, with
The Rainbow Book Fair as the beneficiary of the night at
The Will Clark Show featuring Porno Bingo, then I should be there to show my support.
Some of you might be thinking that with the way I feel about the porn industry now that this might be a hypocritical move. Trust me, it's not. For despite what I think of the porn industry, I'm well aware that without it in my past, I would not be on the upward road I am presently on. So I have no qualms lending my support to a porn-related event when the big picture has it is being for a good cause. And that definitely includes a night like The Will Clark Show featuring Porno Bingo having The Rainbow Book Fair as a beneficiary. For The Rainbow Book Fair is how I've gotten my name to some gay publishers as well as how
I became a model for Next Door Magazine that year. You see, I always look at the big picture, and take note of how wide that ripple has spread from that one little drop into a pond.
Most artists' success starts from them being honest and facing bad occurrences and calling themselves out on bad decisions. Sometimes telling that truth turns into a financial success. Though it is always most importantly, both a mental and emotional success that brings tranquility. And presenting "The Industry" was definitely a mental and emotional success bringing me tranquility. So I'm glad to celebrate its anniversary by attending an event that benefits a good thing that resulted from it. If you're in NYC, I hope you'll stop by and show your support.