So let's start with how the pic to the right is not the DVD's cover. It almost was though. For the director posted pics of every sexual pairing from the movie in a cover pic for his followers to vote on. This pic of me and my scene partner Taino was in 1st place until the cover with Mario Ortiz and Mike Dreyden was posted. Analyzing how that came about might be something else to save for the autobiography. So moving on with today...
By the time the 2007 Gay Erotic Expo came around, I was on the verge of being done with the gay porn industry. I only went that year to give the industry one more chance to stop being the racist, bottom-demeaning, rape-inciting shit pit it was (and sadly still is) before pulling myself out of it.
I wrote a blog post expressing my disappointment of how little hope I left there with. For the only hope keeping me around longer was meeting a new porn company's director, and a stud working a booth at another new porn company.
The porn director of the 1st new company I saw, Knight Stick Films wound up being the first and only director to keep his promise of being in touch. Even Rafael Alencar didn't keep his promise, but the director of a lesser known company did. And not only that, but this director conducted his business in a way that I wanted - he wanted to put together guys with genuine attractions to each other. Not like most of studio-based porn today, which is nothing more than directors being pimps throwing together 2 or more prostitutes who are way more attracted to money than each other.
Luckily, Taino and myself did have an actual attraction. At first, when I saw Taino at a booth for the company Craig Sebastian, I thought he was doing what any porn actor working a booth did with patrons at the Gay Erotic Expo - being flirtatious to get customers. Just like I did my first time working the Gay Erotic Expo in 2005. But after my blog post about the 2007 expo, when I realized that Ben Marksman the director of "All Out Assault" paired me with Taino, and Taino's reaction to meeting me in person to sign the contracts, I realized that the attraction was mutual.
After signing the contracts to do "All Out Assault", me and Taino exchanged phone numbers so we could talk about each other's sexual likes and dislikes so our scene would flow more smoothly. He called me the next day while I was on my lunch break from working as a mail clerk at Kenyon & Kenyon. A lunch break during which I was shopping at the (no more) clothing store Daffy's. So yes, I was walking through Daffy's near the walls to avoid customers from hearing me talk about liking to suck dick, talk dirty, and be spanked (among other things) while fucking.

That's one behind the scenes tale for you. Here's another part that I've talked about before, but from here on out, I'll save the details for my autobiography --- The scene almost ended up having me as the top and Taino as the bottom. Enjoy.
As long as you do as you say, and credit me, I have no problem with that. Thank you very much for asking.